From left to right:
* 70 yards sport-ish weight Navajo plied corriedale from my Knitty and Color "Mariner's Revenge" roving
* 154 yards bulky two-ply corriedale, also Knitty and Color, "Mariner's Revenge" and "Kermit" plied together (my first wheelspun ever)
* 50 yards thick and thin two-ply "Bitter Chocolate" merino from Detta's Spindle, spun up and plied in one sitting to go with my BFL thick and thin from earlier (I'm going to tackle colorwork and make myself a mighty cunning rustic hat for this winter.)
My favorite of the bunch is probably that first little skein. It's my first attempt at Navajo plying anything, and I'm completely in love with the things this technique does to color transitions. It is clearly some type of fiber sorcery, and I am totally in favor of that. I think I'm calling this skein "Ariel's Trove," because I'm still full of the Little Mermaid references due to OYMB referencing it a lot.
All of these yarns were spun up and plied while watching Scrubs on DVD. It's the perfect show for me to craft during, because I watched every episode about five dozen times in undergrad but haven't watched any of it in a couple of years - so I know it all by heart, but I've forgotten the exact order of things, which makes the jokes funny again. But I've been doing so much spinning in front of Scrubs that I think I've hit the Scrubs-Sanity barrier. I've been calling my dog Chocolate Bear since dinnertime yesterday, and I can't seem to stop.
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